WT never gave their blessing on outside activity 'sponsored by the congregation' other than preaching or assembly.
I was shocked in 1974, as soon as I arrived at Bethel that my assigned Cong. sponsored a bus trip to a New York State Park on a Sat; I guess with other Congregations participating. A Ministerial Servant made a short announcement from the platform during the Service meeting.
I went, it was packed out, there was no room to swim in the pools, standing room only.
It even slipped by a Bethel Elder we had at the hall, of course he missed a lot of the meetings, as the Elders were always having Judicial Committee meetings during the Service meetings and on Sundays. It was a huge Cong. (like a miniature Circuit Assembly) where usually someone got D'F'd every Thur. night and Sunday.
In the next month's Kingdom Ministry there was an announcement, that outside activity sponsored by the congregation was not allowed.
Bun, #11 went to the Hall, often wondered if she ratted on them?